Thursday 7 April 2016

“A hero lies in you…”

“Because if you kill yourself, you’re also going to kill the people who love you.”

 good eve friend, what you think about life? Is'nt it so beautiful...each day is new ,each moment is new..each day is not as same as are some powerful saying from preventing suicide and get to rid of stress..



1. “When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.” – Unknown

This is a powerful quote that challenges a person who is suicidal to think about the reasons why they continued to fight when times got tough. Most people have powerful reasons for fighting through their pain. This quote makes you think about the aspects of your life that have significant meaning and that force you to keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Whether you want to keep fighting to provide for your family, make a difference in the world, or to be strong for your significant other, chances are good you have a reason to keep living.
2. “Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” – Unknown

Many people who are deeply depressed have difficulty realizing that their life will eventually get better. Whether it’s from a scientific breakthrough involving a new treatment for their condition or something as simple as making a new friend, we can recover from feelings of depression and pain. If you commit suicide, you eliminate all hope for the future and you eliminate the chance to find enjoyment in life.
3. “If you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it.” – Unknown

If you are looking for some sign to stay alive, consider this quote your sign.  Whether you know it or not, the world needs your talents and unique inner gifts.  You have the opportunity to make some sort of positive difference in this world.  If you were looking for a sign from God, the Universe, or an Angel to continue living, consider this your sign.  Sometimes a simple sign letting you know that someone cares and wants you to keep living is all that you need.
4. “Anyone desperate enough for suicide should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems: elope at midnight, stow away on the boat to New Zealand and start over, do what they always wanted to do but were afraid to try.” – Richard Bach

Many people who contemplate suicide don’t realize how much enjoyment they could get out of life if they challenged these feelings. This quote by Richard Bach says that if you are desperate enough for suicide, you should be able to use other extreme methods to overcome problems and cope with life. If there were things that you always wanted to try, you mind as well do those things before you end your life.  Since there are so many fun things to do, you mind as well build up the courage to do them while living rather than permanently ending your life.  This quote should serve as a calling to do the things that you’ve always wanted to do, without any fear.
5. “The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over.” – Ernest Hemingway

When people are stuck in a deep depression, suicide can seem like an appealing opportunity to escape. However, even the most depressed people have experienced pleasure (even if brief) throughout life.  This quote should be especially appealing to those with bipolar disorder or those that have experienced relief from depression in the past.
Even though you may currently be depressed, the “hell” will eventually end and you will be glad that you stayed alive to experience the pleasurable aspects of life.  Pleasure and pain are two aspects of life (e.g. “yin” and the “yang”) – they are inseparable.  If you are experiencing the painful side of the coin right now, you will inevitably experience the pleasurable side in the future.
6. “If you want to show me that you really love me, don’t say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me.” – Unknown

This quote expresses deep sentiment from a friend, spouse, or a partner in a close relationship. When talking to someone who is suicidal or depressed, they may feel like a burden to others and want to end their life.  This quote should serve as a personal reminder from others that they would much rather you stay alive than die because you feel like a burden.  If you really want to sacrifice your life for someone else, do it by living and contributing to make their life better rather than eliminating your existence.
7. “Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.” – Unknown

When feeling suicidal, many people believe they have no reason to continue living. The fact that you are alive and have a beating heart is reason enough to keep living. Many depressed people search for a specific “purpose” in life when in reality, you don’t need a purpose or reason for being alive. If you are alive, you have the opportunity to do whatever you want in the world.  You may not have awakened to a specific life mission yet, and that’s alright – you have plenty of time to figure out what you want your purpose to be.
8. “The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand … Why?” – Clark (2001)

Although the person who commits suicide only dies once, everyone that knew them will be affected by their death. This means that the act of suicide can cause a ripple effect, dispersing pain and grief among the survivors. If you take your own life, the act may cause other people to become deeply saddened and depressed.  Essentially many of the emotions that you experienced while depressed get passed on to remaining survivors.
It can be very difficult to recover from the death of a loved one, but it is usually more difficult if the individual took their own life.  The act of suicide leaves people behind with feelings of confusion, shame, and guilt that they couldn’t have done something about it.  This essentially drains them of their livelihood and “kills” them many times on the inside.  In some cases, the pain that a survivor feels actually leads them to follow through with the same act; further exacerbating the negative “ripples.”
9. “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

This quote doesn’t apply to everyone who is feeling suicidal, because not everyone has “temporary” problems.  In the event that you don’t have a “temporary” problem, please ignore this quote and read some of the others.  With that said, many people do end up feeling suicidal as a result of significant, yet temporary changes that life throws at us.  Examples of temporary problems include experiencing a break up in a relationship or losing a job.
These are highly significant changes that can make even the most optimistic, high-functioning people feel suicidal.  In these cases, it is important to realize that the act of committing suicide would be a permanent solution to a problem that is only temporary – you will eventually learn, grow, and heal from the situation.  Chaotic life circumstances such as moving to a new city, feeling lonely, getting bullied, and being in debt are all temporary.  As you continue living, you will learn to cope with these problems and will realize that suicide was never a good option.
10. “Never never never give up.” – Winston Churchill

The act of suicide is associated with giving up on life. Even though you may feel so much pain that you don’t know how you’re going to survive, keep fighting to live another day. It may feel as though you are living in a nightmare and feel completely hopeless, but continue to push through each day.  By never giving up you are essentially building inner strength and resilience that nobody can ever take away.
When giving up seems like the easiest option and odds are stacked against you, always keep pushing and always keep going. The resistance from fighting our suicidal feelings often accumulates, and we feel as though we will collapse.  Sometimes life challenges us to keep going even when we feel as though recovery is impossible.

i hope this inspires you for living your life to fullest..#stayclassy#stayhappy#liveyourlife#lifeisbeautiful <3